Public Accounts Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Tuesday, 15 September 2015




Meeting time:

09.00 - 10.06




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Darren Millar AM (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Jocelyn Davies AM

Mike Hedges AM

Sandy Mewies AM

Julie Morgan AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Aled Roberts AM













Committee Staff:


Fay Buckle (Clerk)

Claire Griffiths (Deputy Clerk)

Joanest Varney-Jackson (Legal Adviser)

Matthew Mortlock (Wales Audit Office)

Huw Vaughan Thomas (Wales Audit Office)

Mike Usher (Wales Audit Office)






View the meeting transcript.



1   Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1        The Chair welcomed the Members to the meeting.

1.2        The Chair welcomed Fay Buckle back as Clerk and placed his thanks to Michael Kay who clerked the Committee in her absence.




2   Papers to note

2.1 The papers were noted. Members agreed the following:

·         Welsh Government investment in Next Generation Broadband – The Auditor General for Wales agreed to write to the Welsh Government to seek clarification on a number of issues

·         Implementation of the National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare – The Chair agreed to write to the Welsh Government seeking clarification on a number of issues Member’s raised.

·         Glastir – The Chair agreed to write to the Welsh Government seeking an update, when available, on the updated river basin management plans and also requesting further clarification on Water Framework Directive Failures that can be traced to land managed by Natural Resources Wales.

·         Unscheduled Care - The Chair agreed to write to the Welsh Government seeking clarification on a number of issues raised.

·         Governance Arrangements at BCUHB – The Chair agreed to write to the Welsh Government requesting a copy of the review being undertaken by Dr Chris Jones on GP out of hours services, when available and to also receive data relating to the number of specific GP services co-located within hospital Emergency Departments.




2.1 Welsh Government Investment in Next Generation Broadband Infrastructure: Letter from Welsh Government (17 July 2015)




2.2 National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare: Letter from Welsh Government (21 July 2015)




2.3 Glastir: Letter from the Welsh Government (31 July 2015)




2.4 Unscheduled Care: Letter from the Welsh Government (7 August 2015)




2.5 Governance Arrangements at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board: Letter from the Welsh Government (1 September 2015)




3   Financial Reporting Advisory Board (FRAB) Annual Report 2014-15

3.1 Mike Usher, Sector Lead for Health and Central Government at the Wales Audit Office, gave a briefing on the report, which Members noted.

3.2 The Chair agreed to write to the Permanent Secretary seeking clarification of the Welsh Government’s implementation timetable for the Simplifying and Streamlining Accounts project.




4   Inquiry into value for money of Motorway and Trunk Road Investment: Consideration of the Welsh Government's Response

4.1 Members noted the Welsh Government response and the Auditor General’s remarks to the Committee Report.

4.2 Members agreed that the Chair should write to the Welsh Government seeking further clarification of the government’s response to the Report recommendations and an explanation of why they have changed their policy on erecting screens around crashes, on the A55, to deter motorists from looking at accidents.




5   Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

5.1 The motion was agreed.




6   Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15

6.1 Members discussed the upcoming scrutiny sessions on 2014-15 annual accounts and suggested areas they wished to be included in the relevant briefings.

6.2 The Auditor General for Wales advised that once he has audited all the annual reports and accounts for the bodies the Committee considered in 2014, he will write with an analysis of how they have taken the Committee’s recommendations forward. 

